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华金教育 | 2020-03-20 | 1858






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Why did GARP-postpone its glo bal May exams for the Financi al Risk Manager (FRM)and Energy Risk Professional (ERP)?


GARP postponed its May exams for both the FRM and ERP certifications due to increased concerns and uncertainty about the COVID-19 virus. GARP based its decision on guidelines from the World Health Organization and local health and education authorities, which have cited increased risk of potential spread of the COVID-19 virus in large or group gatherings.

GARP协会之所以将今年五月的FRMERP考试延期是因为新冠肺炎疫惰在全球范围内的爆发及其带来的不确定 GARP协会做出这个决定是基千世界卫生组织和当地健康与教育权威机构的指导意见,新冠肺炎疫情对于聚 集性人群有很大的传播风险。

What happens to FRM and ERP candidates who scheduled their exams in May?


All May FRM and ERP candidates willbe automatically deferred to the new exam date later this year.


When do you expect to know new exam dates?


GARP will announce the new exam date as soon as it has been finalized with our global partners. GARP is not the only global certification body dealing with this unprecedented situation, and we're working as quickly as possible to address it. We will make every effort to provide updates to our partners and candidates as soon as possible.

GARP协会会尽快与全球范围内的考试合作方最终确定, 然后就会宣布新的考试日期。 GARP协会不是唯一一个处理这种前所未有的情况的全球认证机构,我们正在尽解决这个问题我们会尽一切努力,尽快向合作伙伴和候选人提供最新情况

With the status and impact of the virus varying based on location, will certain candidates be able to take a makeup exam before others?


The FRM and ERP certifications are global certifications.GARP has postponed all exams, ensuring that it can deliver the exams as it normally does - at the same time all over the world. Thisis central to ensuring the quality of the exam.

 FRMERP认证是全球 认证GARP协会已经推迟了所有的考试,以确保它可以提供和以往—样水准的考试一一在同一时间全球各地统一考试这是保证考试质量的关键

How can I get information about rescheduling?


GARP will provide regular updates on its website and via email and social media, ensuring candidates are kept as informed as possible. We will contact you as soon as we have a new date.

GARP将在其官 方网站定期更新信息,并同步通过电子邮件和社交媒体进行信息更新,确保候选人尽可能了解最新情况。我们一旦确定新的考试日期就会联系你。

上一篇: 全球5月FRM考试延期公告 下一篇: 没有银行从业资格证,应届生可以进银行吗?

